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Olympiad I: Axis Mundi 

(Board Game Design)

This project was created as a part of Semester 4 final project for module "Graphic Design 2".

This board game is inspired by the simple game mechanics which can be found in Ludo and Snakes and Ladders. The concept of trading card gameplay is added as part of collectable similar to Pokemon and Yi-Gi-Oh cards.

Olympiad I: Axis Mundi mimics real life scenario and religion concept of virtue. Through the understanding of semiotics, meanings are assigned to symbols and colours - for instance, the game board itself contained challenges, rewards and punishment (similar to Monopoly) to reflect how man-made (society) and natural / religion law enforcement applied in our daily life.

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Read more (blog written as journal): 

1. Lessons Learnt after Designing Board Game - Designing for Mass Audience, Mechanism and Storytelling

2. A Better Definition of Design for Multidisciplinary Design

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